About Us

Discover the perfect balance of quality and affordability with HBL Select Homes, the Semi Custom division of HOME By Lyons. We understand that not everyone wants or needs a fully custom build, which is why we offer an enticing alternative. At HBL Select Homes, we uphold the exceptional quality and reputation associated with the HOME By Lyons brand. Our semi-custom homes provide a more budget-friendly option while still delivering craftsmanship and attention to detail that exceeds expectations. Through streamlined plan offerings, selections, and subdivisions, we have optimized our processes to achieve cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality. This means you can enjoy competitive pricing without sacrificing the craftsmanship and features you desire. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to guiding you through the entire homebuilding journey. From the initial consultation to the final walkthrough, we work closely with you to ensure a seamless and satisfying experience. Experience the exceptional value and craftsmanship of HBL Select Homes. Contact us today to explore our semi-custom options and start building the home you've been dreaming of.